There are two major problems that almost everyone experience around the world: biodiversity is declining and habitable areas around the world are severely damaged. Existing scientific studies have focused on this. According to scientific research, the most basic way to make the world habitable again and to bring biological diversity to the desired level is to protect approximately half of the world.
Global Safety
A content published in Science Advances marked the regions in the world that have not developed at a very high rate and can still be taken under protection. Protected areas, which cover 15 percent of the land, are the data that scientists are currently working on, according to early research by Eric Dinerstein.
Research has shown that some areas have an unexpectedly high level of diversity. Various measures have to be taken in order to identify and protect these areas quickly. In addition, an extra 4.7 percent of the land, including forests in the United States, are among the most critical regions.
What To Do In Order To Protect Our World?
Previously, the public was informed about a protected land study covering approximately 15 percent of the total land in the world. Researchers explored how many additional areas need to be protected to bring the life cycle in the world to the targeted level. Within the framework of these studies, the following results were obtained:
- 3 percent additional land protection to protect rare rare species in the world,
- 6 percent additional land protection for exceptional biodiversity,
- 3 percent additional land protection to protect spots with special mammals, called rare phenomena,
- 16 percent additional land protection to protect large tracts of wilderness,
- An additional 4.7 percent of land protection is required to protect the storing of carbon areas.